Thursday, August 30, 2012


So yesterday was one of those days. I got busy and by the end of the day, I realized that I had forgotten to pray. I had great intentions. I was up early, had my first cup of coffee and then got busy, not bad stuff, just with things that needed to be accomplished.  I was behind on some house chores, and I needed to fix my lunch.  I talked with my new neighbor, and on and on it went, all good stuff.  However…

Now I commune with God through the day; we spend time together.  I would not go long into the day without turning to my creator and giving my thinks. But yesterday did not start the same way. I missed that time with God, and every time I miss that morning opportunity I lose a vital link in my life. Here is the key. Everyday should start out with time devoted to God.

Here is the great thing about God. He did not miss the opportunity to think about me. I am convinced through scripture that God was thinking about me when I awoke.  He was thinking about me when I was working; He was thinking about me at meal times; and He was thinking about me when I was sleeping. God has directed Himself to think about me, and the good news is that He is thinking about you as well.

I love how Psalms 139 describes how God is always thinking about us. The very first verse says this,You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.” I challenge you to read through the remainder of this chapter and discover for yourself this God who is continually thinking about you.

So back to yesterday, I got busy but God was constant. I forgot to pray in the morning; God was walking with me throughout the day. I felt out of sorts; God was calling to remind me He was in control. I need to remind myself that I should never be too busy not to pray.

So here is a prayer that I want to share with you today…

Father God, I thank you that when I am too busy, you are still waiting to hear from me. I am thankful that you offer me the opportunity to come to you whenever, and you are always ready and willing to hear from me. I am thankful that you think of me and that you are always thinking of me. Help me to always think about you as well. Amen.

Pastor Rip

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