Thursday, April 15, 2010

Write it Down

Luke 1:3-4 “It seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.”

One of the things I have learned to do over the course of my years in ministry is to write things down. I forget stuff. Not the big stuff; in fact, I still remember places and people from my past with clarity. I still have fond memories of meals together with friends and loved ones. I can still recall phone numbers and addresses of places where I lived, but sometimes I can’t remember what to pick up at the store.

I don’t think it is an old age problem (perhaps it is); I think it is a priority problem. Some things have a greater priority to be remembered. Luke, in this opening to his gospel, gives a very good reason for the practice of writing things down. He says, “that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.” God has a way of bringing certainty to the things He has done so that we may have no fear in believing.

Here it is in white and black. These things are true; you can trust the authenticity of this writing. I remember when I first started buying Microsoft products and there was a seal of authenticity on the package and still is. This gave evidence that the product inside was indeed a Microsoft product.

The seal of our Christian walk is the Holy Spirit; the Spirit gives certainty to our turning from the old nature to the new, while at the same time giving us the tools we need to walk this walk. We have this written down so that we can come to this place from time to time and be reminded of who we are and to whom we belong.

I have discovered as well the importance of having something I can turn to when things get difficult. When I can’t seem to find my way forward spiritually, I am reminded in scripture that God is my guide. I can return to His book, the Bible, and remember that He spoke to me there. Perhaps, what I need is to be reminded of this from time to time because there is certainty in these writings for the living of my life.

So write it down.

Blessings, Rip

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Mark 44 "Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on."

We put value on many things--our possessions, our children, our spouse, our jobs and even our religion. Possessions take time to care for and to manage well. And the mandate from scripture concerning our wealth is that we are to be stewards of all that we have been given. So what do we do when it seems like we have less than needed?

I think the answer is found in this simple act of the widow in this story. We continue to give. It’s not really an option; it is a life choice. Giving is easy when you have abundance and plenty to share around. I enjoy that type of giving; however, I have discovered that you can’t really judge the results of giving when you give in this way. Some will respond because you are able to make a change in their lives and this ultimately leads to displaced dependence. The focus is on your ability to give and not the heart intent of why you give.

Real giving is when you make a life choice to give regardless of the outcome. You give because you know it is the right thing to do and your thoughts are not based upon reward or return but upon the joy that is part of giving.

This week I have been working at my sister’s home, not for reward, even though she did take me out to eat a few times, but because I love to give. I receive an inner joy from doing what I can to help others, and sometimes, I even like to give money.

I believe that everything I have is an opportunity to give, and in the act of giving I am learning that possessions are not important. That was what this widow understood. Her things were only opportunities to choose to give, and she chose wisely. Even Jesus noticed and we all know her story. Interesting isn’t it? We don’t know the stories of the other givers of abundance; we know however the widow’s.

We continue to give; it’s that simple. It is a choice we make based upon our belief that all we have belongs to God and that we have been entrusted with the stewarding of these resources.

So how are you doing with this giving thing?

Blessings, Rip