John 8:31-32 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
What price would you pay for freedom? We make the decision all the time, every day, When someone else gives his/her life defending freedom, there is a price that is paid. Whenever we get free from debt, there is a price that had to be paid. Whenever we choose to live free from sin, there is a price to pay. The reality is this: freedom has a cost. The opportunity of complete freedom is not something you get just because you want to be free; it comes with a high cost.
In the passage above, Jesus sets the cost for becoming free. If you want real freedom, Jesus says, then abiding in His word is the cost. I speak with people all the time who say to me, “I’m just not where I want to be in my relationship with God, or I can’t seem to make it through the day without thinking a wrong thought or saying a bad word, or my marriage is falling apart and we can’t seem to work things out. Here is the key--abiding in the word of God.
Think for a moment why this would work. If our minds are centered on the truths found in scripture, then we can face the lies of this world with something of substance. Here’s the reality; we face daily problems with what we know. It’s our knowledge base that enables us to make it through problems, (and of course faith helps as well). However, if our knowledge base of what we know to do is not based on scripture, then we are not really equipped to overcome life’s problems. In fact, the opposite is true. We fail because we do not know the truth of scripture--God’s answer for the living of life.
Knowing the word of God and even more, abiding in the word of God, means that we are spending time learning what God has to say about life and how this life should be lived. Just like this passage says, “Abide in my word and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” How simple is that? And the kicker is this: Jesus is speaking to His disciples. Incredible, all of us who call Him Lord, He says to us, “abide in my words.”
So here’s the question. How often do we abide in His words? I find it is easier at times to ignore His words, to think I can do it on my own, and to claim that my way is better. Yet, each time I follow my own course of action I usually end in defeat and the end result is less freedom.
Practicing this tactical approach abiding in scripture and applying scripture to life is the only way to be free Jesus says. Anything less ends in bondage. Wow, that’s the truth!
Blessings, Rip