After writing about a childhood game yesterday, I got to thinking about other games I played as a "Kid." By the way, thanks Phil, for reminding us what that game was called.
So I got to thinking; what other games I played--Red Rover, Red Light/Green Light, Simon Says, Steal the Bacon... all came to mind. There were many games we played in our youth and they were fun times we think back on now. Share with me your memories.
However, I for one am glad that we grew up out of that. NOMOREGAMES!
Actually that is not true if we are honest. My problem is that I find myself playing the wrong games. Games like...Don't face my problems, Get all the stuff you can at any cost, don’t take time to care. The list could go on and on. The adult games we play all the time do not gratify us with childlike wonder; we now discover that our adult games have become a way of life.
I was thinking about the lessons learned from our childhood games. We learned to share, to work together, to learn how to lose gracefully, to not worry when we fell down because it was all part of the fun of playing together. Granted, sometimes I wanted to take my marbles and go home, but for the most part our childhood games were more about learning life than just filling time with something to do.
So I see two issues in this. The first is; why did we lose the ability to play together? The second is, How are the games we playing today affecting our lives?
I look forward to your comments.
Pastor Rip
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