Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 12: What's on the Inside?

What's on the inside?

This passage found in Mark Chapter 14 has always caused me to be convicted by my own words and actions.

Life change happens on the inside and the proof of that life change is not what we appear to be on the outside but what we really are on the inside.

It is easy to fool people some of the time, however, I have found out that every time I thought I was fooling or hiding my real actions or intentions, I wasn't really fooling anybody except myself. Of course for some they did not know for a time but that is the problem with time. At some point the real me comes out and then they know. In reality I think they knew along but did not want to face the truth about me. (Now that is another issue we can talk about in the future)

Concerning this inside stuff, as hard as I tried I knew deep down inside that I was wrong and somehow it all comes to the surface even though I did not want it to do so. It happens in a slip of the speech, or a wrong look, or a short temper or even in an out and out defiance and action of rebellion.

Jesus words are warning to this destructive reality, yet, He gives us insight to how to control this as well. Jesus said, "It is what is in the heart that defiles." SO, our remedy to this sin nature is a change of heart.

What is in your heart that needs to be changed?

How do you guard your heart from sin?

If I fill my heart with the words of Jesus then what comes out will be His words. That’s what I want for my life.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day11: Get Away Time

Get Away Time.

I love this passage dealing with the crowds following Jesus. The first thing I noticed was He attempts to get alone and how often that was impossible. I know from experience that making time away is difficult if you don’t plan for it and even when you do something will come up that demands your attention. Therefore, it is a discipline that needs accountability and practice to become a regular part of life.

Several times in today’s reading we see the statement that Jesus left the crowd and went somewhere else only to be followed or greeted again by a large crowd. Ministry is much like that. It’s not necessarily the large crowds but the constant demands of time and energy and resource.

Ever feel dry after a time of great ministry? Then you can relate to what was happening in the life and ministry of Jesus. Ministry is both life-giving and life-sucking, and if you let it, ministry can leave you completely empty and sometimes even angry.

The big question I think is this. What are you doing to keep yourself filled up? What things do you do that helps keep you focused after a long ministry season? If you don’t know, I believe you are headed for a time of less than effective ministry and service to the Kingdom.

Commitment 4 (see for a list of the 5 commitments) reminds us to take a time away each month for Spiritual renewal and refreshment for our lives.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 10: Come See - Go Tell

Come see - Go tell

The final chapter of Matthew details the moments after the resurrection to the ascension of Jesus into Heaven. I am reminded of the power of this phrase uttered by the angel,

“Do not be afraid.”

I am reminded that many times, in fact most of the time, my life is directed by fear. Fear of what will happen next, fear about not knowing the future, fear of how easily it is to do the wrong things. However, here in this passage we are confronted with three basic teachings that need to become part of our foundation of belief.

In order to not fear:

1. Come see. The central message of the Gospels is to come and see the power of God.

We are challenged to put to the test and see if this message of God’s redemptive grace really works. Come see if this person Jesus can save your life; come see that God is real and that He wants to come into your life.

2. Go tell. One of the powerful ways to overcome something is to face it. Go and tell is taking that which we have found to be true and sharing that truth with another.

3. Behold He (Jesus) is going before you. The one great fact of our life is that Jesus is going before us to lead the way. He did so in life, and He did so in death. He is here now leading if we will only follow.

Don’t be afraid.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 9: Are you ready

Are You Ready

This story told so many times is stark reminder of our need to be

prepared. The imagery is again one of the Bride getting ready for the

groom. We know that this is a picture of the church, and our

preparation is necessary in order not to miss the appointed time of

Christ's return.

There are three points that jump out at me.

1. There is a point when it seems like His return has been delayed and

we get tired. As the scriptures say, we fall asleep.

It is interesting to note it is at that precise time He chose

to return.

2. Our Lamps should always be burning. Notice that the lights were not

out. They were burning, albeit not bright. Yet, when they needed to be

burning the brightest, they did not have oil enough to last.

This is so true of us at times. I burn my light all the time,

yet when it needs to burn the strongest I am tired and almost out of

strength because I did not bring with me the extra I needed. Can you

make a comparison to your own life?

3. The third point is that there comes a time when it is too late.

Christ will come. Our responsibility is to be awake, watching,

prepared, with lights brightly burning.

Where do you find yourself in this story?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 8: The wedding garmet

Day 8: The wedding garmet

I love it when I come across a passage where I stop and say, “What does that mean?”

The statement found in Matthew 22:11, "But when the king came in to look at the guests, he saw there a man who had no wedding garment. 12And he said to him, 'Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless. 13Then the king said to the attendants, 'Bind him hand and foot and cast him into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' 14For many are called, but few are chosen."

The wedding garments got to me. What does that mean?

Here are a few of my ideas.

1. I think it is reasonable to see that the garments represent our relationship to Christ. Those who are His are adorned as a Bride. The Church is the Bride of Christ and our relationship with Him is special. The clothing we wear is our salvation.

2. I think it is clear by this passage that it will be easy to see those who are His and those who are not His. Scripture speaks of those who are dressed in sheep’s clothing. But at this celebration of the marriage feast the difference will be clear.

3. It is also implied that the garments are not something we can manufacture for ourselves. The gift of salvation which sets us apart from others is a free gift from God not based on works but alone on God's grace.

4. Those who try another way are lost. Sad but true, the way to Christ is difficult. However, there is provided a way for us. Which way are you choosing?