Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 5: What defiles you?

Day 5: Matthew 13 – 15

What defiles me? I thought about asking this question about you. That would be far more interesting. I don’t like to examine myself and discover the things that need to be changed. Every time I do I find something I really don’t like about me and then I get convicted about how I need to change to become more like Jesus.

Thus the reasons for this journey…to become more like our master. Here is one of the simplest lessons for growth found in the Bible. What comes out of your mouth defiles you.

This morning I was in a conversation with a person when something was said that was completely inappropriate. What came out of this person's mouth was wrong. How easy it is for me to do the same thing.

The JesusWalk is about learning to walk with and like Him to discover ways to control our lives so that we can live in such a way that brings glory to the Kingdom.

What areas of your life need to be changed?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 4: Come to Jesus

Day 4: Matthew 10 – 12

Come to me!

Powerful words “Come to me”…The qualifying factor is this: [those who are heavy laden (filled with problems) and those who are laboring.]

Interesting that He does not say this to those who are taking life easy or just finding a way to get through the next crisis. It’s a call to COME to those who are in the midst of the struggle.

Three things are offered-- rest, learning and lighter burden.

Notice that the promise is not to take the burden away; it is a promise to enter a time where Jesus can minister to your needs, where you can learn a better way and where you can resume the journey with a renewed purpose, which makes your load lighter.

What are you struggling with? What burden seems overwhelming? Jesus says to each of us, “Come, step aside for a while and find rest for your souls."

I need this from time to time just to keep things in focus.

Remember that one of our commitments is to take a time away once a month for renewal. What are you doing to come to Jesus?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 3: Matthew 7 - 9

For many years living the Christian Walk seemed easy. In fact, I thought to myself, “I have God on my side, I can’t lose.” The problem with that belief was my thought that things would be easy. That just doing the little I was doing was enough. How far from the truth, I discovered that to be.

I find today a different but also more rewarding principle--the one Jesus talked about in Chapter 7 "entering through the narrow gate." I have discovered that life is difficult, that there are obstacles in my path and that Satan is trying to block me in every direction.

Jesus’ words at this point show us the path to follow--not just what but HOW to follow in becoming one of His.

There are three defining ideas.

1. The gate is narrow. If it looks wide, you might be at the wrong gate.

2. The way is hard. If it looks easy, you might be on the wrong way.

3. Few will find it. If everyone is doing it, you might not be in the right group.

Things to think about today.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 2: Matthew: 4 -6 (Day 2)

The Beatitudes have always been one of my favorite passages of Scripture. In fact, this whole teaching from Jesus is rich with wisdom and instruction on not just what we should be doing but how we should be doing it. Just look at the passages on love and how we are to love even our enemies.

Well, in this I have 5 ideas that I wrote down as I listened and read the passages this morning under the heading of “What does it mean to be blessed?”

1. It defines who I am in Christ. I realize that in His blessings in my life, especially as they relate to the Beatitudes, I am defined as a follower of Christ.

2. It commits me to a pattern of living. I fully understand and accept the amazing relationship this produces. Relationships are built upon shared understanding, trust, faithfulness and a willingness to be changed by the power of God in my life.

3. It calls me to share from my blessed position in Christ. I am called to give that which I have received. As a follower of Christ, I am called to give away my faith. This is a privilege not a chore.

4. It proves who God is. These blessings are not attainable on my own merits but on the free gift of God’s amazing grace.

5. It demonstrates the divine will of our Heavenly Father, as He will bless those whom He chooses based upon who He is. His way and will are perfect.

These are just some of my thoughts; would love to see what you think.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 1: Nov. 2: Matthew 1 -3

Living the Jesus walk. It has been one month for me as I have tried to live these 5 big ideas. Reading the Gospels, meeting weekly with another person, reflection and study, time away and service projects. All in all, I have done OK. Yet it has been difficult. The process has been challenged because of conflicts, scheduling and sometimes just not feeling like doing the work.
I am reminded, however, that putting my mind to a task and setting my eyes on the goal are actions which will produce in me results that are good and helpful.

In my struggles, I experienced feelings of guilt and then feelings of lack of concern. These are feelings I was not expecting. On the other hand when I was faithful, I found renewed faith and positive outcomes in my life.

My encouragement to you is give it a try, be faithful...the journey is not easy, and live as if every word you read can and will change your life.

I am glad you are on the journey with me.
