Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Friends Cross

This is a first day of sorts for me. Yesterday was spent in moving our belongings into the place I will call home.  It’s a nice place overlooking a lake, and as I look out my window I can see ducks swimming, and a cool breeze is blowing.  It’s nice to have a place like this, yet it is just a place and not my final destination.
I’m in transition.  What that means is I need to learn to adapt.  Learn how to apply what I know to the place I find myself in.  As this relates to spiritual realities, I need to apply the teachings of Jesus and the scriptures to my surroundings.

I have a practice that whenever I move into a new home the first item I place in a position of importance is a cross that was given to me early in my ministry. It is old and outdated to other more detailed crosses; yet, it receives the place of honor in each and every home I have lived in. I place it in this position of honor, not because it is a masterpiece of art, but because it was a gift of LOVE from a friend.

In spiritual discipleship, sometimes we practice these things that are not pretty or even popular; however, we continue to do them because of who we know to be our friend.   Every time we practice a discipline like fasting (which we will do starting tonight at 6pm to Friday night at 6pm), we do so not because it is easy but because it is the right thing to do.

So here are three practical things to do during a FAST:
  • Start with prayer.  Ask God to lead you in this. Stop throughout the day and ask God to keep you on track and end the fast with a prayer of thanksgiving.   
  • Drink plenty of clear fluids.
  • Scripture teaches us to wash our face, anointing our head with oil, and don’t go around sad or somber.

And because this is only a one day fast, I am planning a nice meal on Friday evening in my new home, where I can see the cross made by my good friend.

Pastor Rip
BTY, I will be online most of the day on Friday if you want some encouragement or just need to visit about staying the course.

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