Thursday, August 9, 2012

Getting Started

These five steps will get you off to the right S-T-A-R-T, as you follow Christ:
1. Stop trusting in yourself and your own good works, and start
trusting in Christ alone for salvation. (Ephesians 2:8–9)
2. Turn away from everything the Bible calls sin. (2 Timothy 2:19)
3. Attend a small group for personal discipleship and weekly worship
services. (Hebrews 10:25)
4. Read and obey your Bible every day. (Joshua 1:8)
5. Tell others about your new relationship with Christ. (Mark 5:19–20)
I came across  the above list for how to follow a Bible reading plan.
The first line got to me. One of the main reasions we don't finish a
plan is because we don't start.  I thought about that for a time. How
simple an instruction but at the  same time how true of us as

Here are some insights that came to my mind:
INSIGHT 1: I will have to change before I start...change happens more
frequently in the midst of the journey and not before we start.  For
example, you can't enjoy the view at the top of the mountain if you
never begin to climb up the  mountain.
INSIGHT 2: What if I start and then fail....fear really is a
challenge; however, we have a God of grace. I believe He is more
interested in moving us than we give Him credit for. So when you fail,
trust Him to restart you again. Trust me in this....It is OK to start
INSIGHT 3: My plate is full already and now you are asking me to
commit to reading the are right.  I am asking you to do
this because I know the power of God's word for the living of life in
full. So when I ask you to do this. I am in fact asking you to LIVE.

So here is a challenge. Share with me your insights.

Pastor Rip


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