Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Made Known

Luke 24:35 Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he was known to them in the breaking of the bread.

It never fails. Jesus always makes an opportunity where He is revealed to His followers. Whether it is in bad or difficult times or in times of joy and success, Jesus is about the purpose of self-revelation for our sake. Why? Because each of us needs to be reminded that life is not about us or our problems, or our lack of understanding. Life is about Him and how we can find real purpose and meaning only in Him.

This short phrase comes after the two men were walking on the road to Emmaus. You recall in the story that Jesus had died and that they were discussing the events of the death and then the news of some type of resurrection. The story tells us that these travelers were caught up in their grief and that when Jesus walked along with them they did not recognize Him. How true that is in our own lives. When faced with insurmountable issues, which overwhelm us, we can’t seem to see Jesus at work very well.

Sometimes life gets in the way; sometimes doubts and fears rush in; sometimes everything looks so bleak and difficult that we can’t see a way forward. At this point in time, it is usual and even acceptable for us to wonder and ask, ‘Where is Jesus in all of this?” I can relate to this problem very well. I go through doubt and distress and worry and frustration and pain and tears almost daily. I say to myself and sometimes even out loud, “Where is Jesus in this?” It’s OK to ask, because in the asking of this question, we are starting the process of discovery. If only then we would open our eyes and see.

You see that is the dilemma; it is easier to dwell on the problem than to see the problem solver. Did you notice that everything became OK again after Jesus revealed Himself to them? Did you notice that faith filled the travelers’ hearts, and they had boldness to return and tell others what had happened? Here is the key. If we remain in our state of despair and discouragement, we will fail to see the world around us and in so doing miss the opportunity of seeing how Jesus is working all things out according to His plan and His will. It is only in looking to Jesus we can find help in times of trouble.

I am convinced that often Jesus is right in front of us calling to us to come and trust Him, to come and share in His joy, to come and believe again that all things are possible, but the world has weighted us down. Satan has discouraged us in our walk, disappointments have robbed us of faith, and life seems to overcome us in such a way that we can’t see anymore. Has that happened to you, my friend? It happens to me all the time. You see, we need Jesus to be made known in our lives.

Here is the key. Jesus is in the familiar things, in the breaking of bread, the singing of a song, the reading of a verse, the walk in the woods, a talk with a friend, and even sometimes just listening for Him to speak. He is ready to do so and has words of encouragement and instruction for each of us.

Where are you on your walk to Emmaus? Jesus wants to meet you there.

Blessings, Rip

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