Thursday, February 18, 2010

One Thing

Luke 10: 41But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary.”

I doubt that there will be a time that I don’t come across this phrase and not think about the movie, City Slickers. If you remember, the plot of that movie was to discover the “One Thing” that would give meaning to life and clear up the distractions which face us every day. How great would that be for us? Yet Jesus gives us insight into one thing here that might prove to be the very thing we need.

It’s about relationships--always has been and always will be. Relationships are the key to living life to the fullest. First, we must have a relationship with God and then a relationship with our brothers and sisters. The importance of this idea is: unless we first have a loving and lasting relationship with God all other relationships are meaningless. It’s about putting things in proper order and discovering the core value of life.

Relationships are difficult to maintain. We get caught up in the idea that relationships are based upon getting and receiving. When in reality, true relationships are based upon trust and faith. I’ve noticed that it is not really a relationship if there is an expectation of return from what I give to another person. That is, if I expect them to act and respond in a particular way or fashion then the relationship is based upon what I get in return and not upon what I give freely without expectations. It’s free, regardless of how you respond or don’t respond.

That’s why most relationships fail or struggle. Our expectations are not met, so we think that we have been let down or cheated is some way. If we were to view all of our relationships from the perspective of giving and not receiving, then we begin to understand the one thing that makes it worth doing in the first place. Which is, understanding that who I am, is not dependent upon who others think I am.

Here is the key to this type of living--knowing that I am in relationship with God. God is working in me to create me in such a way, that everything I do and think and act, is the result of interaction and connection with and in Him. It is not based upon outside forces or others, only in Him.

What’s the one thing in your life? It drives all the other things you do. You should discover what it is and work on making that right so that everything else will follow.

Blessings, Rip

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