Monday, February 8, 2010

God’s Stuff

Matthew 22:21-22, "Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s."

I’m not a great fan of paying taxes, never have been and never will be. However, I do enjoy the benefits of the governmental services I receive so I will continue to do my part regardless of my feelings about taxes.

It is amazing to me that so often this passage of scripture is talked about regarding our civic duty and not regarding our responsibility to God. It is quite clear to me that the gist of this passage is giving to God what is God’s. I think, and I have God evidence about this, that everything belongs to the Lord. We are stewards of all that is given to us by our Father in heaven.

Civic duty is fine as long as it is kept in perspective. Last week I found myself glued to the television watching the returns for a primary election, which in many ways has no effect upon me personally. In fact, I did not even bother to vote. Why was this so important to spend even a few moments of my time watching and even hoping a particular person would win?

It’s so easy to get caught up in things, which have little meaning on eternity and forget about the things that will last for eternity. I feel that this is what Jesus is hinting at in this passage. Go ahead and give to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar, but give also to God the things that belong to God.

I guess the question is this: how do I deal with God’s stuff? How do I treat the things and opportunities which are afforded me through the grace and love of my God? I realize that I can give my tithe, but there is more in this than the simple 10% formula. This is about coming to a point in my life where I discover that everything--let me stress that-- everything is vitally important in God’s economy. When I give to God what is God’s, I am giving myself.

So here is the challenge. As I live my life, I must do so in full understanding that it all belongs to God. Let us give to God that which is God’s. That might be a new way to live for some of us.

Blessings, Rip

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