Wednesday, January 27, 2010


John 13:16 Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.

What an amazing example! Jesus has just finished washing the feet of the disciples. Taking the position of a servant, He was demonstrating the position that He wants us to assume. I'm OK with that idea. In fact, it is comfortable for me to want to serve others. I find satisfaction in serving and realize that when I am serving, I am at my best.

However, this passage is not about what we do but about who we are in the Kingdom work God has called us to do. It really is a battle of the mind. Scripture reminds us that Jesus' taking the form of a servant, emptied Himself and sacrificed all that He was for us. He became obedient even unto death. I often think of my position in light of that. Who am I and what am I doing with the gifts of ministry that God has given me?

Position is a difficult thing to master. However, when we discover the attitude of being a servant, we are growing closer to that which God has created us to be and thus we are growing in the reflecting of Jesus in our lives. That's really what it is about, you know, being like and acting like Jesus. We are called not only to follow but also to become like Him in every way.

So how does that happen? How can I become more like Jesus? The formula is simple in the passage above. It is about the realization of who it is we have as our master. We are not greater than our master; therefore, what we do is what He has done in order to be like Him. As Jesus was obedient, then we should be obedient; as Jesus was serving, we should serve; as Jesus was giving, we should give. It is in the position we take that determines who we are.

So what are we going to do with this? We start today to serve like never before, to live as if our lives really were reflections of the love and grace of our Savior and to believe that He is leading us forward because we are willing to take the position of a servant to the King.

That's what Jesus did.

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