We’re on a quest. We seek knowledge; riches, the best job, a perfect spouse, a good friend and…the list could go on and on. The reality is that this is the way that God has created us. He created us to be seekers and our greatest quest is the search for Him. This is evidenced in the journey of the Wise Men.
In each of us there is the desire to discover God and to enter into relationship with Him. There is nothing strange about this or unusual. It is, in fact, a natural course to follow. It is natural to follow the creator of our purpose so that we might be fully developed and we might discover in us His purpose. Let me be clear here. I believe that God has created us to bring Him glory and praise. I/we are not created for ourselves (there is nothing unique in that). We are created with divine purpose to reflect the glory of Him who created us.
It was natural then that the Maji were seeking someone they could worship. In fact, the reason for their quest was this central theme. Matthew 2:2 asks, "Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him."
Here are some qualities of seekers:
- They were looking. If you and I are to be seekers, we need to look beyond ourselves and seek God where we can find Him. The reality of this is, that when we seek God, He reveals Himself. It’s His promise: those who seek me will find me.
- They were willing to take a risk. They decided to journey to a place which they had not been before. How true that is for us. If we are going to discover God perhaps we need to look in other places than where we have been looking.
- They noticed the sign. Road maps are not good unless we rightly read where they lead us. The star went before them as a marker to where they should go. If we are not looking for the sign, well guess what, we will more than not miss it.
- When they did find Jesus, they knew it. Seekers can know when they have found the answer they seek. It brings about a sense of purpose and direction like never before experienced. It will change life.
Who are you seeking today? Where are you looking? May I suggest looking toward Jesus and seeking Him. You might just find what you are looking for.
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