Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 24: They Believed

The Gospel of John is one of my favorites. I marvel at the word pictures painted throughout and the themes of life, light, and word, which are found in numerous places.The Gospel begins with God creating all things through His Word whom we understand to be Jesus. In Jesus is Life, and this life is the Light for us.

So it is by design that the disciples proclaim in Chapter 2:22 --

His disciples remembered that He had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken.

I love that idea. They believed because of the words of Jesus and because of the scriptures--not only because of what Jesus did but also because of what He said and what was written about life in the scriptures.

My meditation today is on; “What makes the Scriptures so important in our life?” I know this list is not exhaustive, but these are the ideas I wrote down today.

  1. The Scriptures are the recorded spoken (verbal/non-verbal) words of God. That means when I read Scripture I am reading the inspired words of God. This is God’s message to and for me.
  2. The Scriptures are truth. God cannot lie and His words, which are recorded, can be trusted. He proves that through His actions and through His purpose.
  3. The Scriptures hold the gift of life. The promise is if you put into practice the teachings of scripture, you will have life and it will be abundant and free.
  4. The Scripture is powerful. It is like a two-edged sword, able to divide truth and error.
  5. The Scriptures challenge. Every time I read the word of God I am faced with something new in my life that God’s word deals with.
  6. The Scriptures heal. Forgiveness found in scripture restores my soul and my salvation.
  7. The Scriptures transform. You cannot read the Bible and not be changed.

My hope is that you will allow the Scriptures to speak to you today.

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